XML Mapping

I can’t believe how quickly the month of September flew by. The combination of the semester starting and events picking up meant it was a busy month around here. The IMLS project is still moving (slowly) along. The firm that is developing the beta product in Solr and Blacklight has been working away and importing partner data into Solr so we can begin to get an idea of some of the issues that we will face with the partner data.

One of the questions that we have temporarily resolved for the beta product but we may want to rethink for subsequent phases is whether to have a single core (or index) in Solr or whether to have multiple cores. Multiple cores would allow each partner organization to have an index that is solely devoted to their data. However, there seem to be some issues that make it harder for Blacklight to search across multiple cores in Solr. So we have decided to go with a single core for the beta product while making a note to reconsider the issue for subsequent phases of the project.

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